Chika Chika Chika
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  Date Of Birth
21 April 1986
Degree In Architecture, UKM
Hyundai Coupe
Wise Peoples
Cats / Animals
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Youniverse Personality Test

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Since 20 May 2005

Saturday, June 28, 2008

I'm S-S-S Sorry

1. Whose picture is it that you keep in your wallet?
  • Foto passport saya. Dan foto adek Dell masa dia kindergarten
2. What time do you usually go to bed?
  • No consistency.
3. What was the last thing you did before filling this survey?
  • Singing 'Heartbreaker' dengan penuh mutu. Haha. I am S-S-S Sorry.
4. Who are the people you always meet the most?
  • Family members, Farah Diana, Mr Lim
5. Who's the person you're gonna call if you need help?
  • Parents
  • Sibling
  • Mr Lim (walaupun terlalu banyak 'onak dan duri', but he will always be a part of me)
  • Farah Diana
  • Good friends
6. What's on your mind right now?
  • Seperti merindui sesuatu.
7. Who's number on your speed dials?
  • Ibunda
8. With whom do you wanna be to have fun?
  • Family and Friends. And err... future husband (fun dowh!)
9. What movie do u wanna watch now?
  • Just Married (Aku sanggup tengok banyak-banyak-banyak kali!)
10. When was the last time you went out?
  • Semalam
11. Who do you hate the most for now?
  • Wow! Sangat senang untuk dijawap. Hati Kaca. Confirm!
12. When was the first time you slept alone?
  • Masa berusia 11 tahun. Kot. Sebelum tu tidur dengan budak-budak lelaki tu. Malapetaka tahu duduk sebilik dengan mereka. Setiap malam sebelum tidur, kena berkungfu, karate, judo dan sebagainya. Dan terpaksa tunggu mereka main perang-perang. Sampai mereka letih ketiduran. Boys memang hyper.
13. What do you wanna do for now?
  • Singing 'Heartbreaker' over and over again.
14. What do you do everyday besides eat and sleep?
  • Listening to Nocturne, playing Colorlinez, ketawa terbahak-bahak macam aku sorang je reti ketawa dan terbaru, listening to 'Heartbreaker'. I am S-S-S Sorry! :p
15. What could piss you off?
  • Masalah dalam hati.
16. are you an animal lover?
  • Erk? Rakan-rakan terdekat sila jawap. HAHAHA. Aku tak suka animals, animals pon tak berapa suka aku. Hakikat alam yang sangat adil dan saksama. Kami harmoni.
17. Colors that make you happy?
  • Color-pul. Tak berapa berkenan warna lembut sebab macam passive. Atau boleh membuatkan aku rasa menyampah dan berasa layu.
18. Most fav thing in your room?
  • Toys saya yang fancy dan kaku.
19. What was the last thing you bought for your room?
  • Apsal kena beli untuk bilik? Beli untuk diri sendirilah bagus! HAHA. Jom Ikea, anybody?
20. Any instruments in your room?
  • Chika main instrument? Jenaka apakah neh? Tapi aku suka drum. Paed pernah bagi aku chance hentam drum dia masa Olympiarch. Syok wo. Bagus sebagai therapy lepas geram. Tibai ja!
21. Can you cook?
  • Soalan kelakar apalah neh. Tanyalah Hati Kaca. Dia paling pandai masak ma. Masak hati dia sendiri pon dia pandai mungkin. HAHA. Err... tapi rasanya Nuar lagi hebat dari dia. Lain kali nak lawan masak, janganlah ajak aku. Macam perbuatan tak bermaruah. Ajaklah Nuar. Baru thrill. Owh, Nuar neh memang perfect soulmate lah. Dah la pandai memasak pancake 'HANDMADE'. Sampai menyentuh hati aku nak menelannya mengenangkan statement 'handmade' tu. HAHA. Seriously, dia memang PERFECTIONIST. Tapi dia suka mengorat boifren orang. Camner? Baru jugak aku tahu yang dia rajin ulang alik pergi rumah Mr Lim. Amboih hang!HAHA
22. Miss someone?
  • Macam ada jugak.
23. Plan to buy something?
  • Kepala aku memang fikir pasal membeli dan blah saja. HAHAHA. *the devil wears black*
24. Are you satisfied with your life now?
  • Tak pernah sekalipun aku tak bersyukur dengan kehidupan atau ingin menjadi orang lain. Never. I want to be me. Baik buruk, hitam putih pon aku tetap mahu menjadi aku. Err.. Paris Hilton? Tak naklah. Bukankah dia stupid?
25. What is your favourite fastfood?
  • Ia bergantung kepada bisikan nafsu yang terdalam.

Apa neh. Gila punya ketagihlah lagu Heartbreaker ni. Siapakah composer lagu ni. Bubuh drug ka dalam lagu? Macam layan sangat pulak dah lagu ni. Makin dengar makin gian. Entah berapa gram punya drug lah dia masukkan dalam lagu ni.

Lirik setelah diubahsuai untuk menepati kesesuaian jantina aku.

Heartbreaker by Will.I.Am
Where Its At
I Know Karma's Comin To Pay Me Back
Im With The Sweetest Thang
Thats On The Map
I Broke His Heart In 30 Seconds Flat
In 30 Seconds Flat

Now How Did I
Just How Did I Become That Kind Of Girl
To Look At Guy And Lie Right In The Eye
My Momma Told Me Chika That Aint Right
Girl Now That Aint Right

Im S S S Sorry
Im S S S Sorry
I Didnt Mean To Break Your Heart
I Didnt Mean To Break Your Heart
Im S S S Sorry
Im S S S Sorry
I Didnt Mean To Break Ya
B B B B Break It Baby
Look Baby
Im A Heartbreaker [x6]
Im A Heart
A H H H H Im A Heart
A H H H Im A

Where He Go
I Got Some Things I Gotta Let Him Know
To Fix The Love Now Its Impossible
But Baby Baby If We Take It Slow
If We Take It Slow
We Can Make It Work
We Just Cant Throw The Love Down In The Dirt
You Probly Think That Im A F**Kin Jerk
Cuz The Way I Let You Down It Made You Hurt
I Didnt Mean To Make You Hurt


4 Congteng-conteng:

Blogger Acaii Jawe conteng...
Slm chika,
emm, nape dengar lagu heartbreaker tu byk kali?..err kalau rase sunyi or macam sunyi tu jumpe ar member2 ajak pi tengok wayang, pastu shopping ke?hehehe..
1:30 PM  
Blogger Fakyew conteng...
ini lagu gagap ka?
6:07 PM  
Blogger MarlissaMusa conteng...
heartbreaker? siapakah? apakah? mengapakah? di manakah? :P
7:40 PM  
Blogger cepotet conteng...
Heartbreaker by Will.I.Am

*suka liriknya
9:18 PM  

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The Engagement




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Created by : Chikadior  Date : 7 June 2008
"... the rest is still unwritten ..."