i'm doing my best now.
still doing.
thats right. We should take this time, to get close to each other and ...
we can clearly see through each others heart.
i'm not saying that we are wrong.
but I can see how far my mistakes is...
and how far my truth is.
i am taking everythings back very soon.
i've to stop this bleeding heart.
getting too many questions from peoples around me can kill me.
mungkin sikit waktu lagi, blog ni sudah tiada.
because like i said, im taking everythings back dan aku nak erase semuanya.
or maybe, aku akan move. Menulis ditempat lain.
Menulis seorang diri.
Take your time, Nurul.
Take your time.
One day, you'll be okay and you can erase everything.
(banyak nak cerita. tapi mood tiada at this moment. Lagipun, too many busybody i guess. Kepada semua, bergembiralah!)